Complimentary Gartner® Report
Embracing the Future: A Guide to Successfully Implement AI/ML in Supply Chain Planning
“Constant disruptions confront supply chains, signifying that the future will no longer reflect the past. Traditional planning methods that focus inward and look backward will no longer be sufficient. Supply chain planning leaders must recognize this and enhance their capabilities to include AI/ML.”
In a recent study, Gartner highlights the need for supply chain planning leaders to enhance their capabilities and realize the benefits of AI/ML adoption.
- Impact 1: With AI/ML in supply chain planning, organizations can avoid falling behind competitors as they won’t gain insights into market dynamics or enable agile responses.
- Impact 2: Building a business case for widespread AI/ML deployment can be challenging. Supply chain leaders should begin with smaller use cases and gradually scale up.
- Impact 3: To optimize planning, data science teams need the capability to acquire, analyze, manage, and govern data effectively.
- Impact 4: Organizations needing more maturity for cross-functional decision-making and relying heavily on external data may need help to harness the full potential of advanced AI/ML tools.
Download this step-by-step roadmap to AI/ML implementation success in Supply Chain Planning.